This webpage was originally made without any direction. However, as I’ve been slowly working on the basics of learning code and design, I’ve decided that I’d like to make this site an archive for the music and films I enjoy.

While the page is clearly in construction for the time being, I plan on implementing pages relating to album/film reviews, recommendations, and general “journal-esq” documentations of genres and themes that catch my interest.

Music is a major interest of mine ( if you haven’t been able to come to that conclusion given the way I talk about the subject ) and as a schizoid living in rural, middle of nowhere America, I find myself having a lot of downtime and… no real interest in /actually/ reaching out to talk to people.

Thus births my own corner of the internet. Exciting.


Truthfully, I don’t know who sees these websites. In my mind, I’m tapping at keys on a keyboard, happy to send more text off into the void of cyberspace. But who knows, am I right? You could be reading this right now - as just some guy on the internet.

... but, I’m also just some guy on the internet. That’s really all there is to it.